Monday, January 05, 2009

Soup Swap Day!

I really love soup. Every year when the trees start turning and the winter vegetables start showing up in the produce department of the grocery story, I get the urge to make soup. It feeds my soul. It warms the body from the inside out on cold days, it's nutritious, and it's usually easy and inexpensive to make. My husband and I even craved soup in the middle of summer when we were adjusting to life with a newborn -- it was easy to reheat when our dinner plans were interrupted by a crying baby or surprise visitors.

A few Christmases ago, I asked for and received a copy of Soup: A Way of Life by Barbara Kafka. I have been known to sit and page through this book for hours curled up on the sofa with a cozy blanket. Inevitably, it leads to a trip to the grocery store and ends with a very full freezer. That's why I got so excited today to read that January 24th is National Soup Swap Day.
So who wants to join with me in the fun? Now I just have to decide which soup to make!

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